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To install something inside of Kubernetes, you need to have a Kubernetes “cluster”. Even if that “cluster” only consists of a single Raspberry Pi running k3s. For this article it does not matter where you are running your Kubernetes cluster, as we will show two approaches to make your blocky instance reachable, that should work both “in the cloud” and in your home network or on baremetal etc.

We assume you have access to your Kubernetes cluster and have both the kubectl and helm commands at hand (and pointing at the right Kubernetes cluster…).

Getting the helm chart and its default values

The wonderful people at k8s@home have a feature-rich and well-maintained helm chart for Blocky that we are going to use. To get access to it, add the helm repository, update the repo metadata and search the available versions of Blocky:

$ helm repo add k8s-at-home
$ helm repo update
$ helm search repo blocky
NAME                    CHART VERSION   APP VERSION     DESCRIPTION                              
k8s-at-home/blocky      10.1.1          v0.18           DNS proxy as ad-blocker for local network

Next we will create a file containing the default values that the chart uses, which we can use to populate the values.yaml file used for the helm installation.

$ helm show values k8s-at-home/blocky | tee default-values.yaml

Feel free to peruse the file default-values.yaml, but don’t get scared by the many knobs you can twist and turn during the installation. We’ll get to that.

Deciding how to make blocky available

You want to be able to use your instance of Blocky, which means that DNS requests sent from e.g. your local machine must somehow reach the blocky server. Users familiar with Kubernetes know that there are three ways to make Kubernetes workloads available outside the cluster: services of type NodePort and Loadbalancer or an Ingress resource.

While it might be possible to setup a DNS proxy using a Nodeport, it will not be usable, as you cannot specify any port when configuring DNS resolution on your laptop or your phone. So that’s off the table.

This leaves us with a service of type LoadBalancer and using an Ingress. Which one should you choose?

The answer as usual is: it depends. In this case, it depends on your environment.

If you want to use this at home, chances are high you are running a Kubernetes cluster with something like MetalLB or kube-vip. In that case, you might have enough free IP addresses assigned to MetalLB/kube-vip so that you can use one of them exclusively for Blocky. This is the easiest approach.

If you are running your Kubernetes cluster in the cloud (managed by yourself or the cloud provider), you normally do not want to have a separate LoadBalancer for each and everything you run in Kubernetes, especially as you pay a lot of money for each LoadBalancer. So in this case using an Ingress is the cheaper way. Depending on your ingress controller, it might or might not be easy to set up the rules for TCP and UDP on port 53, as Ingress controllers normally only act on Layer7 traffic. We’ll see how to do that later, using the popular Traefik ingress controller.

So, for the first part of the article, we will set up Blocky using a LoadBalancer. In the second part, we will have a look at how to use an Ingress instead.

Prepare the values.yaml file

Create a values.yaml file similar to the following example:

  TZ: Europe/Berlin
    enabled: true
    type: LoadBalancer
    enabled: true
    type: LoadBalancer

Apart from setting the timezone, this enables two Kubernetes Service objects, one for DNS requests via TCP, the other for UDP-based DNS requests.

This will give you a working blocky installation, but without it doing anything pretty useful. Let’s see what else we can or must add to the values.yaml file.

In case of the k8s@home helm charts, as they are maintaining many many charts, they are heavily using a library chart that implements some common functions. Each values.yaml file makes use of this, so you can have a look at the library chart’s values to see what you can do: library chart’s values.

Using only one LoadBalancer IP address on MetalLB

In case you are running on MetalLB, you can annotate the services so they are allowed to share the same LoadBalancer IP address. This way there is only one IP address you can use later on, and it does not matter whether your requests are sent via UDP or TCP (which are both used by DNS by default, depending on the size of the request).

The annotation must contain the same string for all the services allowed to share an IP address, like:

    enabled: true
    type: LoadBalancer
    annotations: 'blocky services are allowed to share an IP address'
    enabled: true
    type: LoadBalancer
    annotations: 'blocky services are allowed to share an IP address'

Enabling persistence of the logs

In case you want to keep the Blocky logs, add a section like this to have the helm installation create a persistentVolumeClaim for you:

    enabled: true
    mountPath: /logs
    accessMode: ReadWriteOnce
    size: 128Mi
    retain: true

Adding the actual Blocky configuration

You can define the actual configuration for the Blocky server inside your values.yaml file, instead of manually tweaking things inside the pod later on.

You can of course just omit the config: section in your values.yaml, in which case the default values from the helm chart are being used. Or you can copy the completeconfig:` section from the default values and adapt just the pieces you need. For this article, we will only scratch the surface of all of Blocky’s features and just do a minimal example:

      - tcp+udp:
      - tcp+udp:
  disableIPv6: false
  port: 53
  httpPort: 4000

We are setting four upstream servers using different protocols, keep IPv6 enabled and set the default ports. Not exactly rocket science, but you get the idea.

Ready for take-off

So, let’s actually install Blocky. This is as easy as running this command, wait for it to finish and then check the pods inside the blocky namespace:

$ helm install blocky k8s-at-home/blocky -n blocky --create-namespace -f values.yaml
NAME: blocky
LAST DEPLOYED: Sat Mar 19 21:53:42 2022
STATUS: deployed
$ kubectl get pods -n blocky
NAME                      READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
blocky-6d564b6857-vtsk8   1/1     Running   0          30s

Great, our pod is running and ready. Let’s check the services and find out which IP we need to use:

$ kubectl get svc -n blocky
NAME             TYPE           CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP      PORT(S)        AGE
blocky           ClusterIP   <none>           4000/TCP       1m
blocky-dns-tcp   LoadBalancer   53:31274/TCP   1m
blocky-dns-udp   LoadBalancer   53:31786/UDP   1m

In my case, both services are sharing the IP address, so let’s test if Blocky is working. I am using dig, but you can also use drill, nslookup or one of the other tools out there:

$ dig @ +tcp

; <<>> DiG 9.16.25 <<>> @ +tcp
; (1 server found)
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 25943
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1

; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 4096
;                 IN      A

;; ANSWER SECTION:          300     IN      A

;; Query time: 323 msec
;; WHEN: Sat Mar 19 22:16:45 CET 2022
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 58

$ dig @ +notcp

; <<>> DiG 9.16.25 <<>> @ +notcp
; (1 server found)
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 58895
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1

; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 4096
;                 IN      A

;; ANSWER SECTION:          297     IN      A

;; Query time: 35 msec
;; WHEN: Sat Mar 19 22:16:48 CET 2022
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 58

And we got a valid reply, both using UDP and TCP, when asking for Nice!

Now that we have a working Blocky installation, i.e. all the Kubernetes bits and pieces are in place, you can start configuring your instance to your needs. Have a look at the excellent documentation.

Tipp: In case of the k8s@home helm charts, as they are maintaining many many charts, they are heavily using a library chart that implements some common functions. Each values.yaml file makes use of this, so to see what you can do, you can have a look at the library chart’s values:

The annotation we set for MetalLB is something that is not documented specifically in the Blocky helm chart’s values.yaml, but as it is using the library in the background, the things documented there are working for Blocky, too.

Using a Kubernetes Ingress

As mentioned earlier, you can either expose your services through a LoadBalancer or via an Ingress. In case you can not or do not want to use a LoadBalancer – how to get an Ingress to do what you want it to do? How to expose this on port 53 using both TCP and UDP?

Actually, with plain Kubernetes Ingress resources, you can’t. An Ingress resource is working on HTTP level at Layer7, while DNS is not using HTTP as a protocol.

The good news is that you still can get it to work. We’ll use the Traefik Proxy and set this up using the Traefik custom resource definitions. This involves three steps that might vary a little, depending on how you installed Traefik.

  1. Make sure the CRDs are available
  2. Add the dns entrypoints to the Traefik configuration
  3. Configure a IngressRouteTCP and a IngressRouteUDP resource

Make sure the CRDs are available

Depending on how you installed Traefik, you might or might not already have the custom resource definitions. You can easily find out using kubectl api-resources|grep traefik. If you get an output like the following, then you are good to go:

$ kubectl api-resources|grep traefik
ingressroutes                                      true         IngressRoute
ingressroutetcps                                   true         IngressRouteTCP
ingressrouteudps                                   true         IngressRouteUDP
middlewares                                        true         Middleware
middlewaretcps                                     true         MiddlewareTCP
serverstransports                                  true         ServersTransport
tlsoptions                                         true         TLSOption
tlsstores                                          true         TLSStore
traefikservices                                    true         TraefikService

If not, you need to tweak your installation. For the helm chart you would need to make sure that the kubernetesCRD provider is enabled:

    enabled: true

Add the dns entrypoints to the Traefik configuration

Traefik uses entrypoints defined in its static configuration, the most prominent ones are web and websecure that you should have come across. We need to define two new entrypoints for our DNS traffic. Again, the exact steps depend on your Traefik installation. For the helm chart, add the ports definitions to your values.yaml:

    port: 55553
    protocol: TCP
    expose: true
    exposedPort: 53
    port: 55553
    protocol: UDP
    expose: true
    exposedPort: 53

Huh, wait, what are those high port numbers doing here? Well, unless you want to run your Traefik pods as root, you cannot bind to ports below 1024 directly. To get around this, we listen on ports above that and only make the service listen on port 53, which does not require root privileges. This is similar to what Traefik itself is doing out of the box, listening on port 8000 and 8443 in the container but on ports 80 and 443 on service level.

After making the changes to your values.yaml, you would need to upgrade your helm installation and check the traefik deployment, that should now contain something like this:

      - args:
        - --global.checknewversion
        - --global.sendanonymoususage
        - --entrypoints.dns-tcp.address=:55553/tcp
        - --entrypoints.dns-udp.address=:55553/udp
        - --entrypoints.metrics.address=:9100/tcp
        - --entrypoints.traefik.address=:9000/tcp
        - --entrypoints.web.address=:8000/tcp
        - --entrypoints.websecure.address=:8443/tcp

You should also get a second Traefik service for UDP-based traffic:

$ kubectl get svc -n traefik-system
NAME          TYPE           CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP      PORT(S)                                                   AGE
traefik       LoadBalancer   53:31270/TCP,55522:31823/TCP,80:30036/TCP,443:31837/TCP   11d
traefik-udp   LoadBalancer   53:30557/UDP

Please note: Depending on your LoadBalancer you might or might not be able to run both of these services on the same LoadBalancer. I tested this locally in a k3s cluster using MetalLB, where you can make use of the annotations we saw above to have both of the services share the same LoadBalancerIP, in my case

Configure a IngressRouteTCP and a IngressRouteUDP resource

Instead of a plain Kubernetes Ingress resource we will use Traefik’s IngressRouteTCP and IngressRouteUDP resources, that work on TCP or UDP level, respectively. Here they are:

kind: IngressRouteTCP
  name: blocky-tcp
  namespace: blocky
    - dns-tcp
  - match: HostSNI(`*`)
    - name: blocky-dns-tcp
      port: 53
kind: IngressRouteUDP
  name: blocky-udp
  namespace: blocky
    - dns-udp
  - services:
    - name: blocky-dns-udp
      port: 53

As you might notice, neither of them contains a hostname, the IngressRouteUDP does not even contain a rule of any kind. Basically those are port forwards. So you cannot make more than one DNS server available on port 53. Luckily, we do not need this, as we only have one blocky service, and it is enough to reach it this way.

Once you apply both of these definitions (save them to a file and use kubectl apply -f myfile -n blocky), you can test like we did above. This time make sure to use the IP address that your ingress is using, aka the LoadBalancerIP that the traefik service attached to.

$ dig @ +tcp +short
$ dig @ +notcp +short


DNS-over-HTTPs, anyone?

Congratulations, you now have a running and working Blocky installation! You can now start exploring the many features, like allowlist/blocklists, subnet-based request forwarding and the many other.

In case you want to use your Blocky instance as a local DNS-over-HTTPS instance, you can do so easily by setting the httpsPort and supplying a valid certificate and key. This certificate and key can of course be handled in Kubernetes via e.g. cert-manager. How to get this working is out of scope for this article, but there will be an article on cert-manager soon.

Let’s say you want to use the existing secret and mount it into the pod. Then add the following snippets to your Blocky values.yaml:

    enabled: true
    mountPath: /certificate/
    type: secret
config: |
  port: 53
  httpPort: 4000
  httpsPort: 443
  certFile: /certificate/tls.crt
  keyFile: /certificate/tls.key

The LoadBalancer way should work automatically, for the Traefik Ingress add the following:

kind: IngressRouteTCP
  name: blocky-doh
  namespace: blocky
    - websecure
  - match: HostSNI(``)
    - name: blocky-dns-doh
      port: 443
    passthrough: true

Now your Blocky instance should be serving requests on (which funnily enough requires that is pointing to your local Blocky LoadBalancer or your ingress).


Make sure to also checkout the other helm charts that the fine folks at k8s@home put together!

Have a lot of fun!

Johannes Kastl
Johannes is a Linux trainer and consultant and has been with B1 Systems since 2017. His topics include configuration management (Ansible, Salt, Chef, Puppet), version control (git), Infrastructure as Code (Terraform) and automation (Jenkins) as well as testing (Inspec, anyone?). At daytime he works as a sysadmin and fixes problems, at night he tries new technologies like Kubernetes (openSUSE Kubic!), podman or transactional-updates.

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